Jessica Ireju bellanaija writer blogger
#JustJessica,  PERSONAL



I wish you could hear me screaming as I’m typing this. That’s how excited I am to be writing my first blog post.

Why start a blog?

I know it’s 2021, so why am I starting a blog now? The answer is simple. I’ve been dreaming about blogging for years! You see, my content ideas have changed over time but my reason for wanting to do this has stayed the same over the years.

I started this blog as a space to incorporate all my passions as a millennial Nigerian woman navigating life – from career, faith to lifestyle changes. I wanted to have honest conversations, share unfiltered stories of other women, and create a community of women living their best life on purpose.

Who the Blog is for

So is a blog for the modern woman who wants to find inspiration for living, share her stories authentically, and be empowered for building her dreams with the support, tools, and resources she needs.

What to expect in Blog Post

I’m used to sharing my own stories writing for other platforms but this time I want to have creative control in telling stories, not just mine but also for others. I’ll be sharing interviews once a month with the most amazing women living dreams, building businesses, and pursuing passions (I can’t let the cat out of the bag yet!) to inspire you. On the blog I’ll curate my personal experiences as a woman in my twenties, chronicle my faith journey, share lifestyle content, and career tips from  amazing women.

Join the Community

Reserve your spot to instant access to these resources by signing up for my newsletters. Apart from blog updates, let me tell you the real reason I love my newsletter subscribers, they allow me to share the stories I can’t share on the blog –  you know how you only tell your best friend (in my case it’s my sister) some gist, that’s what you guys will be getting! Please this is a no-judgment zone…thanks in advance!


Don’t miss my bi-weekly updates: you know how only your friends get to hear the full gist and when your aunty is in charge of food at the party, you get extra small chops: that’s what the people on my mailing list will be getting (lookout for my #JustJessica emails for my unfiltered personal stories) + instant access to the free resource library (I can”t even pretend, you’ll make me happy signing up for my newsletter here)


Speaking of gist if you want to hear more gist, check out the podcast I co-host, follow me on Instagram and Facebook where I share the uncut version, for content tips and behind-the-scenes magic to creating content find me on LinkedIn. I hope that you think of me as a friend, I try my best to respond to every email, comment, and DM. Make yourself at home on the blog, take a look around, I insist!


All my love,


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