About Jessica

Jessica Ireju is a storyteller using words as her medium. As a dynamic writer, she’s had the priviledge of sharing these stories across top digital media platforms including Bellanaija; copywriting for brands, guest writing and editing content for lifestyle blogs.

She is passionate about encouraging others to tell their own stories; create free downloadable resources teaching others to create contentbetter, sharing useful tips on her social media, and in training engagements. 

When Jessica is not writing, she spends time co-hosting the “Gist and Puff-Puff Podcast” or watching Youtube videos while enjoying a plate of small chops.

Writing Highlights

Finding my way home

Bellanaija | Contributing Writer

Letter to my future husband

dugogloria.com | Guest Writer

What My Mother Taught Me About Being A Hero

Bellanaija|Contributing Writer

Feature Writer

Consistently creating original content shared on the websitre and multiple social media channels with thousands of vistors and followers for bellanaija.com, one of Africa's foremost Digital Media platforms

Freelance Writer | Editor

Writing, and editing content expressing ideas in dynamic pieces for blogs and brands.

Free E-book

Teaching others to tell their own unique stories by creating content for social media.

Podcast Content Writer

Writing and editing podcast show notes; creating social media content for "Gist and Puff Puff Podcast" episodes garnering 1,000+ plays across 7+ episodes.

Content Creation & storytelling
Feature Writer

Consistently creating original content shared on the websitre and multiple social media channels with thousands of vistors and followers for bellanaija.com, one of Africa's foremost Digital Media platforms

Freelance Writer | Editor

Writing, and editing content expressing ideas in dynamic pieces for blogs and brands.

Free E-book

Teaching others to tell their own unique stories by creating content for social media.

Podcast Content Writer

Writing and editing podcast show notes; creating social media content for "Gist and Puff Puff Podcast" episodes garnering 1,000+ plays across 7+ episodes.

Media appearances
Feature Writer

Consistently creating original content shared on the websitre and multiple social media channels with thousands of vistors and followers for bellanaija.com, one of Africa's foremost Digital Media platforms

Freelance Writer | Editor

Writing, and editing content expressing ideas in dynamic pieces for blogs and brands.

Free E-book

Teaching others to tell their own unique stories by creating content for social media.

Podcast Content Writer

Writing and editing podcast show notes; creating social media content for "Gist and Puff Puff Podcast" episodes garnering 1,000+ plays across 7+ episodes.

What they say about Jessica

Jessica’s warm essays are like a soothing balm on a rough day


Jessica is a word bender, she creates empathy, and clarity for her audience, regardless of the topic

Jack Daniyel

Tech Entrepreneur

Jessica is an exceptional service provider who has time without number proven to be reliable source of assistance and concise in her work Jessica provides that ambience of calm, when she is working on a document I am at ease

Lcreatory Consults

Jessica Ireju’s content writing session was insightful. We didn’t have to crack our heads to understand. It was well detailed and comprehensive

Chisom Robinson

Content Creator & Compere

Jessica’s ad copy for my training institute made me realize she’s one of the best in the business

Gospel Chinwendu Okoh

Havilah Beginner French Institute